By building a network that links four overseas manufacturing bases in Asia with Japan at its core, we aim to realize speedy corporate activities that meet customer needs and to be a trusted manufacturer that supplies even higher quality products and parts.
At TAKITA, each employee and each department is always proactively tackling new themes and sharing these new experiences across the company, with the aim of creating unique corporate value that can be used worldwide.
PT. Takita Manufacturing Indonesia is a company located in the Newton Techno Park Industrial Area Blok J5-8A, Jl. Jati 5, Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java 17550, Indonesia. The company was founded on March 2, 1998, and has been in operation for over two decades.
With a workforce of 119 employees as of January 2022, PT. Takita Manufacturing Indonesia is committed to providing design and production of metal stamping dies for metal pressing parts for electronic devices.
With leadership led by Chairman Takao Takita and President Keita Fujisawa, as well as competent sales staff like Keita Fujisawa, PT. Takita Manufacturing Indonesia strives to continue to grow and provide the best innovations in the metal stamping industry.